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Bocoon Design provides professional home interior design and commercial interior design services to provide customers with stylish and unique design solutions. From site inspection, decoration quotation, material selection, decoration project supervision throughout the follow-up and reporting.

We understand the needs and preferences of our clients and turn their ideas into concrete design solutions, step by step, so that our clients do not have to worry about the details of the process, and are committed to completing the project.

堡觀設計提供專業家居室內設計及商業室內設計服務, 為客人打造型格, 別出心裁的設計方案. 從實地視察, 裝修報價, 材料選取, 裝修工程監督全程跟進及匯報.

我們了解客戶需要和喜好, 將想法轉化成具體的設計方案, 一步一步實踐, 過程客人無需為繁鎖細節操心, 致力完成項目.




Free Inquiry

We provide free interior design consultation service by experienced designers, and estimate the budget by on-site measurement.

由經驗設計師為你免費提供室內設計資詢服務, 上門度尺評估預算.


Quotation Fee

The quoted price clearly states the details and price of each project, and the charges are clear and unambiguous.

報價清楚註明每個項目工程的詳細內容及價錢, 收費清晰明確,   絕不含糊.

Concept drawings, floor plans, 3D drawings and construction drawings will be prepared one by one by our design team.

概念圖, 平面圖, 3D立體圖及施工圖, 我們設計團隊都會一一準備.


Drawing paper


During the project

We have professional designers to follow up the progress of the project for you, and report regularly, so that you know the real-time status of the project.

我們有專業設計師為你跟進工程進度, 並定時匯報, 令你了解工程即時狀況.


Material selection

Our designers will select the right material for you or buy it together with the customer in person.

我們的設計師會為你選取合適的物料, 或親臨和客戶一同購買.

We provide one year after-sales structural warranty service.



Structural Maintenance

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